Casona 8
Casona 8 is a traditional restaurant in the historic downtown of Querétaro, Mexico. Through its name, visual identity, and different applications, the goal was to communicate the history and heritage of the casona and its surroundings. We defined the brand name since the building was originally no. 8 on Luis Pasteur street.
Identity and tradition
We designed a clean and easy-to-recognize logo to reflect a traditional place yet with contemporary touches. The color green was chosen to highlight different visual elements.
Consistent collaterals
From the restaurant menu to business cards and to-go bags, we designed different branding elements using vintage illustrations, seeking to communicate the heritage feel of the restaurant, but with a modern and clean design.
Digital heritage
In collaboration with a marketing team, we defined the restaurant’s digital strategy, creating different campaigns to promote the restaurant, its food, and its heritage.
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